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segunda-feira, 1 de maio de 2017

Your home needs this | H&M home new in

Inspo here | All the pieces are from H&M home here

O tempo quente chegou e, com ele, o desejo de mudança. Tenho andado a remodelar a minha sala e o pinterest e a H&M home e fazem-me sonhar com um ambiente feminino e campestre. As paredes cinza claro contrastam na perfeição com os tons blush pink. A madeira e a verga trazem o rústico até à cidade e o perfume de algodão lavado enche toda a casa. O negro das molduras e apontamentos mantém o toque de modernidade. Tudo simples, como se quer.

The hot weather has arrived so did my urge to change. I've been changing my living room decor with the help of Pinterest and some new pieces from H&M home, dreaming with a feminine and countryside feeling. Light grey walls go perfectly with blush pink tones. Wood and rope bring the rustic feeling to the city, so does the fresh cotton parfume. Do not forget black in the pictures and some details to keep it modern. Simples, as we like.

Love you all 

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